Key Word – BUSY



I can’t believe it’s been over a week since I’ve posted!!  Busy doesn’t even begin to describe my life!!   Just to give you a base idea, this is how my week runs –

Monday –  Up at 5 am, out the door by 6 am, work from 7 am to 4:30 pm, drive directly from work to school, in class from 5:45 pm to 9:45 pm, home at 10 pm, in bed between 10:30-11 pm. (Time away from home: 16 hours)

Tuesday – wash, rinse and repeat of Monday… (Time away from home: 16 hours)

Wednesday – wash, rinse and repeat, again…  (Time away from home: 16 hours)

Thursday – no go worky yay! (yes, by Thursday morning, that is the best sentence I can manage), up at 5 am anyway (I like to see Avery out the door), combo of studying cleaning, laundry and laying around (more studying than anything, cuz it’s the only chance I get to study all week)  2-ish pm get ready for school…leave for school at 3:20, home at 10 pm. (Time away from home: 6.5-ish hours)

Friday – Up at 5 am, out the door by 6 am, work until 4:30 pm, drive home.  Have dinner with Avery, off to knitting group, back home at 9:30-10 pm.  (Knitting group is, of course, optional.  Tonight, I am not going… I am just too tired.) (Time away from home: will vary on Fridays)

The weekends have become more than precious to me…but I still have to use them wisely.  I have so much that I typically do not get done during the week, that it has to get done on the weekend…but I have to…HAVE TO…get some down time in too…if I don’t, I’ll die of exhaustion!  LOL 

Last weekend was super busy!  We had a band gig on Saturday afternoon/evening and didn’t get home until around 11:30-ish pm (granted, from 9 pm on we were at a bar drinking beer and eating burgers, but still…)  And on Sunday evening we went to a birthday party.  Good times…but it made Monday morning hurt a little more than normal!!  LOL

This weekend we are having a couple of friends over on Saturday afternoon for some Sci-Fi, beer and good food!!  I can’t wait!  I’ve been looking forward to our Sci-Fi Saturday since June!!!  As for Sunday, I ain’t doin’ a nothin’…except maybe laundry…and some practice of finger waves (see below)…………  : )

Okay – enough whining about how busy I am…sorry.  It’s Friday and I’m tired…my mind is prone to wandering off on random tangents…and whining.

So, what have we been working on in school this week…?  Lots.  We’ve done a lot with hair design this week.  Different kinds/styles of curls, fingerwaves, a wet wrap…lots of hands on stuff.  I LOVES IT, precious!!

Let me just say, one of my favorite “old fashioned” hair styles in the whole universe is the finger wave.  OMG, I love them.  They are sexy, elegant…  Oh, so pretty!!  And shockingly HARD to do…well.  I was so excited I was practically wiggling when she said we were doing finger waves, but by the end of the class I wanted to punch someone. I struggled for over an hour, then the last 10 minutes of class, someone showed me their way of doing them…which was a lot different than the method taught in the book/class…and something clicked into place… I got it instantly! (I still need practice, mind you, but at least now I know how to get the damn things to work!!)  I was so happy because I thought that I would be forever doomed to make lousy finger waves!!  [i.e. “Oh, you’re here for finger waves…don’t use Heather!”] LOL  That last 10 minutes made me forget all about the hour+ I had spent cussing under my breath!!  (not really, but hey…you gotta be positive, right?!!)

So Finger Waves were one thing we worked on.    We also did a Wet Wrap, which is just weird to do…but whatever works for people…this was graded, but I forgot to check what I got on it.  I assume I did well on it since she didn’t make any suggestions on how to fix it. 

Here’s a photo of the wet wrap: (Not my wrap, just one I pulled off the ‘net)

Basically, you get the hair soaking wet with a wrap lotion, a foaming liquid product stuff…smells good, gets every where…and you literally wrap the hair around the head…just keep combing the hair in a circle around the head until it’s smooth…  Please don’t ask what the point is, because right now… I seriously can’t remember…smooth hair…something.  Tired.

We also did Spiral Curls with the marcel iron (yay for being a teen in the late 80’s/early 90’s!  These were a piece of cake!!!  Got 100% on them!  We did a bunch of different curls, actually…not just the spiral, the names of which would prolly mean nothing to someone not in the industry…such as “half on-base concave” and whatnot…  There are many different ways to form a curl and so, we’ve been learning those techniques all week. 

All in all, it’s been a fun, hands-on week.  I’m tired, but it’s worth it!